Clap Your Hands Back to School – Fill A Bag event was held on Saturday August 10, 2019 and was a great success.
There were 156 classrooms represented at the event. Clap Your Hands LOVES our community school teachers. May you all have an amazing school year for 2019/2020!
The numbers are in. There is a slight margin of error in some of the numbers, for example one therapist wrote she had 900 students…so large #’s I did not count into the factor. We donated 1,788 products. Door prizes were 20 Pea Pods and gift cards. We are helping just shy of 3,000 students in the Low Country. You can all be proud of yourselves. So that ALL children can begin the new school year with a great new start with the necessary tools to help them learn and self soothe.
We had an information table about our products along with our community business partners PROVIDING MUCH NEEDED HELP.
Thank you Summerville Junior Service League, Sweetgrass Pediatrics, Tri-County Therapy, Morningstar Storage among others and all the Clap Your Hands team of wonderful volunteers AND Board Members and their families. Also THANK YOU ABC News 4 Rachel Ellis for your news segment and to ABC News 4 Dean Stevens and Live 5 News Raphel James, along with some local radio stations, for promoting the event.